Ok, let's start from the scratch. My name is Sam Asadi. Many of my clients call me by my first name "Sam", or refer to me as "Dr Asadi". Feel free to choose the one you prefer! I have been a psychiatrist for many years and I love to help those who suffer from psychological problems.

What to Expect from Me: You should expect that I try my best to understand your problem, discuss my findings, explain treatment options, respect your wishes, and provide the best available treatment. I'll treat you with respect regardless of your gender, race, religion, or sexuality. Finally, I'll keep your information confidential and private according to the guidelines of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP). Please review our code of conduct at RANZCP.
What I Can Help With: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specialises in mental health issues. I am interested in the treatment of mental illnesses including depression, anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. I see employees with work-related issues (WorkCover).
What I Can't Help With: I am a psychiatrist for adults rather than younger people. I recommend seeing a child and adolescent psychiatrist if you are under the age of 20 years. I also do not see clients for legal purposes. I recommend seeing a forensic psychiatrist if you need a court report. You can find psychiatrists who are interested or specialise in these areas on the RANZCP Website.
Medical Doctor since 1995
Psychiatrist since 2000
A/Professor of Psychiatry in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 2000-2007
Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, 2007-2008
Psychiatrist in Public Services in Melbourne, 2008-2012
Psychiatrist in Private Practice in Melbourne, 2010-Present
Assadi SM, Yucel M, Pantelis C (2009) Dopamine dysregulation in the brain network of decision-making: Can this explain the psychopathology of schizophrenia? In Schizophrenia, Second Edition, Eds: Kasper S & Papadimitriou GN, Informa Healthcare.
Assadi SM, Yucel M, Pantelis C (2009) Dopamine modulates neural networks involved in effort-based decision making. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 33, 383-393.
Assadi SM, Noroozian M, Pakravannejad M, Yahyazadeh O, Aghayan S, Shariat SV, Fazel S (2006) Psychiatric morbidity among sentenced prisoners: An Iranian prevalence study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 188, 159-164.
Pooyafard F, Fallahi B, Assadi SM, Amini H, Beiki D, Fard-Esfahani A, Rahiminezhad F, Shahmansouri N, Mohammadi MR (2008) The pattern of brain perfusion SPECT in non-medicated schizophrenic patients. Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 16(1): 43-51.
Assadi SM, Smetana JG, Shahmansouri N, Mohammadi MR (2011) Beliefs about parental authority, parenting styles, and parent-adolescent conflict among Iranian mothers of middle adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35(5), 424-431.
Assadi SM, Noroozian M, Shariat SV, Yahyazadeh O, Pakravannejad M, Aghayan S (2007) Neurological soft sings in mentally disordered offenders. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 19, 420-427.
Shariat SV, Assadi SM, Noroozian M, Pakravannejad M, Yahyazadeh O, Aghayan S, Michie C, Cooke D (2010) Psychopathy in Iran: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Personality Disorders, 24(5), 676-691.
Sharifi V, Assadi SM, Mohammadi MR, et al (2009) A Persian translation of the Structured clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID): Psychometric properties. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 50(1), 86-91.
Shirazi M, Assadi SM, Sadeghi M, Zeinaloo AA, Kashani AS, Arbabi M, Alaedini F, Lonka K, Wahlstrom R (2007) Applying a modified Prochaska's model of readiness to change for general practitioners on depressive disorders in CME programs: validation of tool. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 13(2), 298-302.
Assadi SM, Nakhaei MR, Najafi F, Fazel S (2007) Mental health in three generations of Iranian medical students and doctors: cross-sectional study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42(1), 57-60.
Assadi SM, Zokaei N, Kaviani H, Mohammadi MR, Ghaeli P, Gohari MR, van de Vijver FJR (2007) Effect of sociocultural context and parenting style on scholastic achievement among Iranian adolescents. Social Development, 16(1), 169-180.
Assadi SM, Hafezi M, Mokri A, Razzaghi EM, Ghaeli P (2004) Opioid detoxification using high doses of buprenorphine in 24 hours: A randomized, double blind, controlled clinical trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 27(1): 75-82.
Assadi SM, Radgoodarzi R, Ahmadi-Abhari SA (2003) Baclofen for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. BMC Psychiatry, 3(16), 1-20.
Ahmadi-Abhari SA, Akhondzadeh S, Assadi SM, Shabestari OL, Farzanehgan ZM, Kamlipour A (2001) Baclofen versus clonidine in the treatment of opiates withdrawal, side-effects aspect: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 26, 67-71.
Akhondzadeh S, Ahmadi-Abhari SA, Assadi SM, Shabestari OL, Kashani AR, Farzanehgan ZM (2000) Double-blind randomized controlled trial of baclofen vs. clonidine in the treatment of opiates withdrawal. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 25, 347-353.
*Name changed from SM Assadi to Sam Asadi in 2017
I come from a position of retiring this year after working in psychiatry and with many psychiatrists for over 35 years. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr Sam Asadi with whom I have worked for several years. He is a competent psychiatrist with a calm and accepting manner in assessing and treating the whole range of adult psychiatric patients. He has been the "go to" man in giving me advice whenever a second opinion is needed.
- Dr Tom Wisinger, Senior Doctor in the Western Suburbs
Australian communities are increasingly aware of the significance of mental illness and the need to identify local resources that are capable of supporting patients and their carers. Given the unmet need and historic paucity of services situated in the West of Melbourne, Dr Asadi’s focus on mental health literacy and account of available resources is most helpful. Having served Western suburban communities for many years as a senior psychiatrist in a broad range of professional roles, Dr Asadi’s materials are informed by a depth of psychiatric expertise. His appreciation of the roles played by local public, private, and charitable organizations will assist patients to recover, support carers, and enhance communication with professionals in the field.
- Dr David Fenn, Clinical Director of North West Mental Health Service