Depressive Disorders
Depression is one of the most common illnesses in Australia. A national survey has shown that 1 in 10 Australians suffer from depression . Depression is when somebody feels so sad or flat that it's unbearable or debilitating. People with depression tend to get self-critical and feel hopeless about the future. Depression commonly causes a marked change in sleep and appetite. People with depression often become absent-minded; and feel mentally and physically exhausted.
Depression is generally divided into major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder (also known as dysthymia). Major depressive disorder usually includes patches of severe depression; each patch lasting for weeks to months. On the other hand, persistent depressive disorder typically refers to milder but relentless depression that continues for years. Depression around females' period is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Finally, mothers may get significantly depressed after giving birth; this is called post-natal depression.
Depression sometimes becomes quite dangerous. For example, depressed people may lose hope completely and see suicide as an easy way out. It's not uncommon for depressed people to become irritable, snappy, or aggressive toward others. Sometimes, a depressed person turns to alcohol, drugs or gambling as an escape. Unfortunately, these choices often cause more trouble and make people more depressed. This is then called a "vicious cycle" when depression and wrong choices feed each other and make a person even worse off.